
Where Is My Breath?

I read an email today. One of my son’s teachers said “I don’t think he belongs in accelerated math”. I read it over and over. I felt as if I’d been stabbed in the chest. The words echoed in my head. You don’t belong. You don’t belong. You don’t belong.

I’ve spent years erasing the tape in my head that says I am not enough. The old conditioned beliefs creep up on me from time to time. Being present while parenting challenges the old beliefs all the time. I know the emotions when I see them. They are directly tied to my own insecurities. My loss of breath was not about my son. I took a breath. And another. My eyes stung. My heart ached. I took another breath. And then the initial emotion passed.

I’ve learned to look deeper within when moments like this happen. Reacting to the teacher or to Benji when I’m in these places is not productive. I usually receive a mirror image response to the vibe I put off. That isn’t helpful and it usually isn’t true. Being angry isn’t helpful. Responding to this teacher at this point in the year isn’t helpful. Why did that line in an email make me feel this way?

It took me about 5 minutes to see it clearly. I want my son to achieve as much as he can. He has already done more than many expected of him. He is very smart. That isn’t the issue. His bigger issue is his ability to organize himself and his thoughts, follow along in class without zoning out, and remember all the details of his assignments. Remember to show up for tutoring or finish a retest. He works slower than most because he is so easily distracted. Completing his work without prompting is an issue. I know what his challenges are. I know he is jumping hurdles every time he shows up. Reading that email felt like an indictment. A decree that he isn’t good enough . By extension, I am not good enough. I felt 12 again.

I’ve experienced this moment more than once directly related to my special needs child. He is different, honestly much harder to parent. I know for a fact he is harder to teach. The fact that people see him and make judgment calls about who he is and what he can do, it just bothers me. I don’t like it. When I moved through the emotion, I decided. Is it possible that he doesn’t belong in accelerated math? Yes, it is possible. Is this statement true? I asked him what he thought. He said he’d prefer to take a more challenging class and struggle rather than take an easier class and be bored. Ok. Do any of the other professionals on his team agree with this statement? I’m waiting on an answer to that question. Am I willing to provide additional support to help him be successful? Absolutely.

By the time I got through the deep dive into my feelings, I realized I don’t have to carry this as an affront to me or a failure on my part. We are all still good enough. He is enough, whether he takes advanced math or the basics. He is fine. We are fine. This teacher is not evil. She is entitled to her opinion. We are entitled to ours. This is not the end of the world. We are still fine. Just Breathe.

Editor's Picks Spectrum

Origin Story – Spectrum Edition

I write about my kids all the time. I’m very open about my parenting and how it is impacted by our oldest’s special needs. I share our origin story all the time in person. It is Autism Awareness Month now and I feel the need to write it down and I hope that you will share it with anyone with a child that is possibly on the spectrum or dealing with a developmental delay.

Benji was our first child. He was born in 2003. Ron and I had limited experience with children, only a few nieces and nephews around us. We liked kids but neither of us had spent any substantive time around them. So when we received this gift, this smiling beautiful baby boy, we were so excited. We were nervous too. The rule was “Don’t Break Him.”

Benji was a happy boy with juicy cheeks and thighs. We affectionately called him Buddha because of his big round tummy. He was such a sweet bright boy. At 5 months, Benji was mimicking me when I’d sing to him, trying to make sounds just like me. I was amazed at this. It was really remarkable to hear a baby do that. Who knew? He started crawling a few months later and found his feet just after his first birthday. By then, he’d stopped mimicking my singing. He’d stopped attempting to speak at all. Over the next few months we noticed that he was not using any words. We had a neighbor whose son was 8 weeks younger than Benji, and he was beginning to talk. Benji was eerily silent. He was incredibly active, exhaustingly so once he started to walk. He’d run back and forth in our house, almost as if he was on a rail. If we went to the playground, he’d make his way to the highest surface possible. He’d stare blankly at nothing, almost like he was feeling the wind on his face. It was odd behavior for a toddler, but I like the feel of the wind on my face, so I thought nothing of it. But it became clear that you couldn’t take your eyes off him for a second, or he’d climb something. Anything. Our house was two stories with a catwalk. I probably lost hours of my life behind him running back and forth on that catwalk, trying to find a way to climb the railing.

My bff kept him while I worked when he was an infant. I was under the illusion that I was going to just keep working, as I had been. The thought of staying home with him did not cross my mind. I did however, start my own business, and worked from home quite a bit. Initially I thought I could watch him and work, but it was impossible. I was drowning because he never sat still. At the time, no television shows would pacify him. There was no way to distract him into play time. He wouldn’t tolerate a play pen. So my college friend and professional nanny took over for me, and we settled into a routine that worked for our household and my business. The schedule worked well, but we noticed he still was not speaking. We decided to let him go to Montessori for a couple of hours a few days a week, hoping he’d pick up more language by being around other kids his age.

Benji was about 15 months when I mentioned casually to his doctor that I was struggling. Benji wasn’t speaking. He had no words. He would not make eye contact. He didn’t want to be held, but he couldn’t be left on his feet for more than a second before starting to run back and forth, wherever we were. He was already walking on his toes, constantly perched with his heels in the air as if he couldn’t bear to have them touch the earth. I couldn’t do laundry or cook unless someone else was in the house with him. Then we found the Backyardigans. Something about the music in that show mesmerized him, allowing me to get work done in 30 minute spurts. But the biggest issue that I mentioned to my doctor that day? He would not let me hold him. He would hug me when he saw me, and immediately run off. He didn’t seem to want me especially. I couldn’t calm him. She asked about his toys. Did he have any favorites? No. Was he attached to any dolls or toys? No. Does he play with toys? Well, he plays with trains. He lines them up in a row. Does he play with anything else? He will play with almost anything that he can line up in a row. I want you to see a developmental pediatrician she said.

The same week of that pediatric appointment, the director of the Montessori he attended asked to meet with me. She’d noticed Benji in class. He didn’t seem bothered by the other kids, but wasn’t interacting with them either. He spent most of his time in the class playing in the corner alone. He particularly liked the cotton ball station. He enjoyed lining up the cotton balls like trains. Outside he seemed happy, but he always climbed the slide over and over. He didn’t play with other kids. He didn’t try any of the other toys or equipment. Just the slide, over and over. The day of that meeting was the first day I heard the word Autism. The Montessori director was a wonderful woman, married to a pediatrician, who asked her husband for an assessment and performed it on Benji during class. She shared the results with us and said we should check with his doctor.

The next few weeks were a blur. I read everything I could about autism. There wasn’t much. We saw the developmental peds doc. She said he presented with every typical symptom of autism. Katie Couric did a story on the Today Show about autism and the early symptoms. She described our son. We spoke with longtime friends whose child was diagnosed a few years earlier. They offered a lifeline to us because we not only had no idea what to do, but neither did anyone else. Not really. There were organizations that dealt with developmental delays, but Benji was diagnosed before he was two, which was not normal at the time. We tried private orgs that said he had to be more severe for them to treat him, and state organizations that presented a plan that sounded like I was putting Benji in their hands completely. I didn’t trust that. We met with Babies Can’t Wait. I know they provide great help for some, but I had a hard time getting past the intake process. We ended up putting him in the Walden School at Emory Autism Center on the suggestion of our friends. He was the youngest student they’d ever had.

The diagnosis led to a lot of changes. The business I started would eventually close. With Benji going to a really expensive private school, we couldn’t afford a nanny any more. I was pregnant with Ace. Most of Benji’s therapy occurred at school which was great. But therapy is not cheap, nor is it a quick fix. We moved closer to Emory. Benji would scream for the entire ride home if you didn’t drive a certain route, and using the same route every day from Decatur to Fairburn is almost impossible in Atlanta traffic. So we moved closer. We did whatever we needed to do to make sure Benji received the care he needed. This put a strain on our marriage and our finances. We struggled mightily.

In the 14 years since we heard the world Autism, so much has changed. We are recovering from the financial setbacks. Our marriage and family unit are stronger than ever. Battle tested. Benji is doing really well thanks to many amazing hands over the years. We experienced some serious challenges, but we also encountered some angels in disguise. Raising Benji has taught us so much. One of the largest lessons I’ve learned is there is no one way to be successful. When faced with this diagnosis and not many examples of adults living with it, I decided we wanted Benji to live his best life. It may not look like what I dreamed for him. We didn’t know what would be possible. But Ron and I both decided not to frustrate ourselves or Benji with holding him to a standard that we weren’t sure he could meet. We wanted him to be happy. Whatever that looked like. So that allowed us to take each day as it came, and meet him where he was. I believe this made a big difference in his progress. We let him tell us what he was capable of, and we went from there.

The other huge lesson that I learned is to assume goodwill, always. Along this journey we saw many doctors, nurses, health professionals, teachers, therapists, administrators. Some of them, like all people, were better at their jobs than others. Some were kinder and some were better with kids. Some sucked and needed to go home and start over. Some were probably in the wrong field. We decided to take none of this personally. They were human. We advocated for our child, we asked for things and received pushback. We pressed and were guided to alternatives. It has been a give a take all these years. But we’ve had tremendous professionals working to help our kid get better. I could have been offended, often. There were meetings I left in tears and times when I was ready to mama bear someone across the table from me. But a good friend taught me early, and its worked so far, to be grateful for his progress and believe that everyone in the room wants what is best for him until they prove different. This method has made adversarial meetings friendly, and has helped us receive the very best of some mediocre situations.

If I shared any advice to parents, other than my two biggest lessons, it would be to get your kid all the help they need. Don’t be afraid of your kid getting labeled. Don’t listen to people telling you nothing is wrong. Don’t ignore delays in development that could linger and cause problems down the road. Don’t wear a blindfold. Don’t just pray for it to get better. Act. Don’t listen to people who are negative. Don’t underestimate what is possible for your kid. Don’t buy everything on the market that says it can help. Advocate for your kid. Ask questions. Don’t leave their fate in the hands of educators that are overwhelmed by the needs of the population they serve. Be the squeaky wheel. Love your kid for exactly who they are. Be kind, your child is watching.


These Are The Breaks

Our school system takes a break every 6 weeks. It took some time getting used to these breaks because more traditional school systems do breaks a little differently with longer summers and holiday breaks. We’ve come to enjoy these more regular breaks through out the year.

I imagine these breaks are difficult for parents who have to work and find affordable child care for their littles when school is out at times when no other schools are out. You’d be surprised how hard this is. Our city recreation system does a pretty good job of offering camps to cover these times. They aren’t free, but they are affordable and there is assistance when needed so that is great. Ideally we’d travel during every break, but we aren’t balling like that right now.

While I appreciate the downtime in the boys constant schedule, I must admit that breaks with THING 1 (without traveling) suck. He wants to do absolutely nothing on these breaks. He has defined a break as a suspension of all activity, from sports to basic hygiene. He is resistant to doing anything. He doesn’t want to go to therapy or piano practice. He wants to play video games and watch youtube videos about developing video games. I

I’d totally accommodate his desires if I knew it wouldn’t be absolute hell getting him back on schedule. A total shutdown sounds great until I remember that my kid is on the spectrum. It takes him exactly one day to undo a habit that took years to develop. The lack of structure and routine is overwhelming for him. Pulling him out of the video game vortex is an agonizing interaction, as is getting him back on track enough to go to school Monday. Getting his sleep schedule back together takes weeks. While we’d all love nothing more than to go off the rails for a week, we just don’t have the luxury of that option. It’s too hard!

I will say, I’m pretty sure “typical” kids go through similar withdrawals. I believe what is so special about Spectrum kids is their ability to feel right on the surface, everything that most of us experience deep down. We lie to ourselves about it. We have bad attitudes and smart mouths in response to things that are unrelated to whatever we are pissed about. With THING 1, you can’t mistake what you did to piss him off. He is happy to let you know.

It is Friday of a weeklong break and I had to drag him out of the house for track. He mumbled about it the entire way. I’m sure my poor husband is on the receiving end of some rearview mirror eye rolls and under the breath comments about how horrible it all is. When track practice is over, he will behave as if he is dying of pollen inhalation and he will blame us with his eyes and judge us with snarky comments. We will stare at each other, and shake our heads. We know it is coming and we know he can’t help it.

He wants to go to track. It sounds like he doesn’t, right? But he does. He wants to get better and compete successfully. He wants to see his friends. But all of this is contrary to his prior definition of Break. Suggesting that he redefine it for himself has gone over like a lead balloon. Pointing out how much fun he has is irrelevant. Reminding him that he actually enjoys this activity is a moot point. Because a break means cessation of all activity. So what do we do? We keep the schedule going, because no one can actually break from everything. And he should learn that now. We push him out the door and ignore the eye rolls and mumblings. We talk as if we don’t notice his reactions. Then we pick him up from whatever activity and we move on. We do it every day of every 6th week, and for 8 weeks of summer. We just do it.

Editor's Picks Life

Me vs Everybody

I’ve been married at this point longer than I was single. Most of my adult life. I’ve been a mother for most of my adult life. I’ve spent more years on this earth with responsibility for others than I did just taking care of myself.

I view my last statement as an issue of epidemic proportions. I am saying that I learned how to care for a child, a husband, and a household, before I learned to care for myself. At least I’ve had much more practice at it. I’ve become proficient at taking care of others. I’m still working on the self care.

I had a couple of factors early on to push me toward focusing on self care. From 2004 -2006, my world turned upside down and hasn’t completely righted itself if I’m being honest. First, my beloved aunt died. My oldest son was diagnosed with Autism shortly after that. I was pregnant at the time. After my second child was born, I was diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy. I was 28 years old. I was exhausted all the time, and felt like I could never catch a break. I literally could not catch my breath.

It was a rough couple of years for me. I was self aware enough to know that something about how I was living my life was not working for me. But the physical constraints my diagnosis initially caused were what really made my decisions easier. I needed to rest. I didn’t have a choice. It led me to leave my job and close my law practice. I began to find dealing with the triviality of my business made me tired and grumpy. I only had so many hours in the day, and I had a new baby and a toddler who needed my focus. I realized in that moment, I cannot do it all. It is impossible.

It took me years to see that I have to stop and rest, not just to have energy for my husband and kids. I have to rest to have energy for myself. To be the best and happiest version of myself. Being ok with pursuing my own happiness was the hardest mental shift I had to make. The death of my aunt put a large focus in my head on the brevity of life. It is short. We don’t control when it ends. So for the time that we are here, what do I want my life to look like?

It took years to get to a place where I am very clear about what that looks like. It was easier to see what it doesn’t look like. It does not look like working from 7-7 and coming home too exhausted to play before bed time. It does not look like home cooked meals every night and lunches packed with crafts and handwritten notes. It does not look like a 10 room house that we pay for but only use 3 of the rooms. It doesn’t look like my kids participating in every activity available to them or going to all the parties. It does not look like answering every call and hitting every family event. Not never seeing my husband. Not joining all the professional organizations. Not accomplishing all the things. Not being everything for every body. Not needing a vacation from my life.

I know my best life involves enjoying my kids. Growing closer to my husband. Breathing. Moving my body. Eating good food. Traveling. Surrounding myself with people who bring joy. Having peace of mind.